Jamie Nicholls

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IAF Region
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Job title
Specialist facilitator
Public sector/government
Professional languages
Facilitation practice
Jamie is an IAF Certified Professional Facilitator, working in the Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry, with 8 years facilitation experience. His facilitations are primarily through repeat engagements and referrals. Clients and participants seek him out for his calm, respectful, and engaging delivery style, which includes impactful meeting designs to ensure meetings are relevant, interactive, and effective. Jamie employs effective group processes for problem-solving and decision-making within a strategic, policy-driven, cross-government, and external stakeholder context.
Jamie is a co-chair of the Australian Government Facilitation Community of Practice, with 860+ members.
Annually, Jamie facilitates or co-facilitates over 120 events, from complex, multi-day international symposiums to shorter technical, operational, or policy-driven working groups.
In May 2023, Jamie coordinated sponsorship for the IAF Oceania Facilitation in Action Conference and in 2024 is doing the same for the October IAF Summit Conference 2024.
His career includes agricultural field research & extension, regulation & assessment of agricultural chemicals and plant biosecurity. Jamie has a PhD in agricultural science.