Call for Proposals: IAF EMENA Conference 2017 (Paris, France)
It’s time! You are invited to submit your proposal for professional development workshops during the IAF EMENA Conference on 13-15 October 2017 in Paris.
We’re looking for proposals that focus on the conference theme:
Boosting positive change - the power of facilitation
We are looking for workshop proposals that will emphasise how facilitation can leverage energy and optimism of groups and individuals to generate meaningful and lasting results. The deadline for submission is 31 March 2017. Deadline extended to 30 April 2017.
Download the submission form (doc) and send it to:
Instructions: How to submit a great workshop proposal
- Provide high-quality content, solid training, and interactive learning experiences
- Take into consideration the experience and diversity of facilitators at all levels
- Align your workshop to one or more of the IAF Core Competencies:
- Create Collaborative Client Relationships Plan
- Appropriate Group Processes
- Create and Sustain a Participatory Environment
- Guide Group to Appropriate and Useful Outcomes
- Build and Maintain Professional Knowledge
- Model Positive Professional Attitude
Your workshop should be innovative and creative, increasing our personal and professional understanding of Boosting Positive Change, The Power of Facilitation in our daily practice as facilitators. Questions can include:
- What works?
- What doesn’t?
- What are the challenges?
- What have we learned already, and what do we need to learn?
- What are the skills and proven practices that are effective and relevant?
- What’s the impact of facilitation?
- What will help us and hinder us as we strive to Boost Positive Change in our communities of practice?
Submit your proposal
Download the submission form (doc)
Important: Use the form provided. Proposal MUST be emailed as an MS Word document or PDF document to Large file sizes will be problematic, so please keep files to less than 1MB in size.
Important dates
- 31 March 2017: Proposal submission deadline.
- 15 May 2017: Notification to proponents of successful proposals. Constructive and summary feedback will be provided on an individual request basis by proponents whose submissions were not selected.
- 15 June 2017: Online publication of IAF EMENA Conference 2017 Program.
- 1 July 2017: Return signed letters of acceptance and Deadline for Workshop Leader registration at the Conference.
Note: Deadlines will not be extended except in case of critical extenuating circumstances.
Reviewing process
Proposals are reviewed by a team of IAF peers using a three point rubric scale that is in alignment with IAF Core Competencies, while considering the conference theme of Boosting Positive Change and the focus on leveraging energy and optimism to generate meaningful and lasting results.
Quality and clarity of workshop description and outline are important.
Incomplete proposals will not be reviewed.
Workshop proposal assessments are confidential, and are only seen by the Conference and Programme Committee Chairs and lead reviewers.
The names of individual reviewers are confidential and will not be included with the summary assessments.
All correspondence between a proposal reviewer, lead reviewer, and the Programme and/or Conference Chair is confidential.
If you have any questions about the overall process for submitting workshop proposals, please contact the Conference Chair, Jean-Philippe Poupard ( or Programme Committee, Meryem Le Saget ( and Olivier Reaud (