Chair's Corner
Fellow Facilitators,
Well, the first 6 months of this year have literally flown past. It seems like just yesterday the IAF board had its meeting in London to plan the year ahead and here we are well past the half way mark of 2018. It’s at this time of year our attention turns to appointing new board members who will step into their role in 2019.
I know there is real talent in our membership who would make great board members so, if that’s you, here’s why I would really encourage you to give your nomination some serious thought.
Firstly, the opportunity to work together with a diverse set of individuals from across the world with a common vision for the IAF is immense. We start the new board with a face to face gathering in January where we really connect with one another and then, with the help of virtual tools and technology, our affiliation grows through the year. It’s a privilege to work alongside such talented and committed individuals.
Secondly, whilst being on the board has it’s own set of responsibilities, there is real reward is seeing the difference in the world by promoting the power of facilitation. To share stories about how our members are growing and thriving in Asia, Africa, Oceania, Europe and Middle East and the Americas is both humbling and extremely rewarding.
Thirdly, for those who have a high need for learning and development, there is no real comparison. Learning how the associations really works, how people choose connect from meetups in coffee shops in the UK to WhatsApp communities in Africa, special interest groups for Portuguese speaking facilitators and vibrant regional conferences and frequent IAF Chapter meeting across the world. And of course learning about the emerging approaches to facilitation.
Finally, if you're a results oriented person, there’s real satisfaction in seeing some ideas turn into programmes and projects that really help our members thrive. This year for example, we have launched ‘The IAF Journey - our professional pathway’ which adds additional levels of accreditation beyond the treasured CPF; a mentoring programme will be available for all current and new members towards the end of the year; the Facilitation Impact Awards continuing to be seen as a really sought after recognition with our first Platinum winner in Africa this year and much more.
So whether it's affiliation, achievement or learning that is your driving force there is so much that a board role has to offer……so keep an eye out for news of the nominations process and go for it!
Trevor Durnford, CPF
IAF Chair