The City of Calgary established a Recovery Operations Centre (ROC) for the first time ever within days of the devastating 2013 flood that hit southern Alberta. ROC is winding down after two years with the majority of deliverables being met and successful evaluations of the recovery efforts both internally and externally.
The recovery efforts were supported by a cross-corporate team of facilitators and subject matter experts. City employees are committed to implement the necessary measures to ensure our ability to successful recovery from future events. Investments have been made to assist The City and the Calgary community to be more resilient since the 2013 flood. Numerous facilitations have occurred engaging internal staff as well as external stakeholders and other orders of government.
Key Results Achieved
The key results achieved include:
Development and approval of The Flood Recovery Framework by City Council
Successful completion of deliverables in the Recovery Framework
Central coordination of recovery efforts including municipal infrastructure projects
Evaluation of lessons learned as part of the flood recovery program
The key and tangible deliverables include the following:
End of June to September 02, 2013 - 99,000 tons of debris deposited at city landfills
Significant project management efficiencies achieved through the Municipal Infrastructure Recovery Program estimated at $409.6 million
Excellent accounting of insurance claims and tracking of funds with a return rate on Disaster Recovery Program submissions of 99 per cent in quarter two of 2015
Interim housing project complete, as well as immediate reconstruction facilitation strategy targeting building permits
- Land use bylaw review and update project completed
Sponsor: Kathy Sokolan-Oblak
City Recovery Manager, Kathy.sokolan-oblak@calgary.ca
Facilitator: Erina Possak, Chris Arthurs, Tom Gosse, Elaine Wong, Kathy Sokolan-Oblak
Recovery Operations Centre Core Facilitation Team, Erina.possak@calgary.ca