Creation of a MOOC for the public with disabilities
The result of the collaboration of people with disabilities and disability specialists in the workplace—Handimooc—was created in June 2018. Within the space of 10 months, over 3,700 people have enrolled in the training.
The MOOC has also been listed on the Employment Store website of Pôle emploi—a platform gathering sites and digital applications focused on employment and training.
The results from a satisfaction questionnaire offered at the end of the training and completed by 216 people with disabilities and 70 counsellors/accompanying persons were as follows:
- people with disabilities – level of satisfaction with training 3.73 out of 5 and usefulness of the training in relation to their job search 3.64 out of 5
- counsellors/accompanying persons – level of satisfaction with 4.23 out of 5 and usefulness of training for people with disabilities in their job search 4.42 out of 5.
Comments received included:
We will be recommending to our trainees to sign up and take advantage of the very useful and attractive tips that you give.
Thanks to the HandiMooc team for this interesting journey that opens up perspectives! and thank you very much for the testimonials!
I appreciated the help given to put precise and encouraging words on my disability. Needs and consequences are clearer to me.
Training that deserves to be known and recognized. Training enriching, interesting and doing good.
Good approach to the subject and mine of information very useful for the disabled worker.
I really enjoyed this Mooc. It is complete and will help me answer some questions more easily. A big thank-you!
Thank you to all the team, I will recommend this MOOC which is easy to follow and offers, after all, a more serene and reassuring vision of the actions to be taken for a person with a disability.
The content was diversified, the speech clear and useful with a more playful side with the quizzes.
Context and challenges
The Ile-de-France job center Lab has a team of five facilitators and one director. The Lab contributes to strategic or operational projects to accelerate the realisation of projects by organising collaborative sessions using the Accelerated Solution Environment (ASE) method.
In March 2017, the Agefiph (Association for managing the fund for the professional integration of people with disabilities) and the Strategy, Partnership and External Relations Department asked the Ile-de-France Employment Pole Lab to accelerate an innovative project: the creation of the first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for workers with a disability.
The objective of the MOOC was to help these people in their search for a job or project. The Lab facilitators were confronted with the implementation of a project with important strategic issues because it was:
- supported and financed by companies such as Dior, Total, Air France, BNP Paribas and Amazon
- supported by different entities responsible for helping people with disabilities in France
- implemented by a consulting firm (TH Conseils)
- towards a public with whom we had never worked before (people with disabilities).
Project objectives
The project objectives were to:
- collect the expectations and needs of jobseekers with disabilities in relation to the creation of the MOOC (content)
- collect the elements that would make it possible to construct a training frame that is as relevant as possible.
All this with the aim of creating a suitable and functional tool.
This project was strongly aligned with the first objective of Pôle emploi—helping people to find a job or project—and came naturally in our actions directed towards those who need it most.
We intervened at a time when the project, already advanced, needed to be checked and expanded. For this, we organized a two-day Lab session in September 2017 at the Lab Pôle Emploi Ile-de-France with all the stakeholders of this project.