Misty River Consulting (MRC) was contracted by First Phoenix Group (FPG) to assist FPG improve the effective and efficient execution of their business model and ability to increase shareholder value through future iterations of the model.
Key Results Achieved
Key results achieved include:
Cost of money reduction of $2,000,000 during 2014.
FPG 2013 asset value of 9,000,000 to 2015 value of 160,000,000.
FPG 2013 private stock sales price from $1 per share to 2015 price of $5 per share.
Strategic Plan, Value Proposition, New Facility Development Procedure, and Scale Up mechanisms in place.
The New Facility Development Procedure significantly impacted everyone’s roles and responsibilities within FPG and resulted in much more alignment toward the things that add value to the organization.
Construction funds “cost of money reduction” through establishment of Private Equity Partners and Banking organization partners.
Sponsor: Terrence Howard, CEO
Facilitator: Donald A. Kerper, MA, CPF
Misty River Consulting