

The Future of Facilitation. Leadership, Influence and Impact in Disruptive

Published Thursday, 7 January 2021

The Future of Facilitation. Leadership, Influence and Impact in Disruptive Times by Mika Aaltonen and Paolo Martinez

The IAF Core Competencies framework portrays the basic set of skills, knowledge, and behaviors to assist facilitators becoming successful in a variety of environments.

The Future of Facilitation study asks if, and how, these competencies have changed or should change, because of the Covid – 19 crisis.

It is apparent that these changes affect The IAF Core Competencies. Perhaps they do alter not the competencies themselves, but certainly some rethinking is at place, and some additional sub-points and additional competencies will need to be added.

In the future, there will again be times when virtual facilitation is the only option. Consequently, there is a need to develop the virtual competencies as well as our capability to interpret each situation with the clients and decide how to proceed. If we choose to not develop virtual competencies, it means that our choice is limiting our offer to the client.

The Covid – 19 world will challenge the historical practice of facilitators. In stable situations the look for efficiency has guided the projects. Now stability and predictability are few and far between. There is a call for visionary and disruptive thinking, and respective methods.