Hall of Fame nominations 2017
It's that time again! Nominations are now open for 2017 inductees into the IAF Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame (HoF) celebrates members whose contribution to the field of facilitation and the IAF is extraordinary.
Criteria for nominations
Nominees must have:
- been an IAF member for at least 8 years
- made a significant contribution to the field of facilitation
- shown a high level of dedication to the IAF.
‘Significant contribution’ means the person has advanced the field of facilitation by:
- adding knowledge to the field through publication or social media
- offering facilitation training and mentorship
- conducting research on the science of facilitation
- promoting the power of facilitation.
‘A high level of dedication to the IAF’ includes:
- serving on the IAF board of directors
- serving on a committee or working group
- volunteering
- going above and beyond to promote the IAF.
How to nominate someone
Do you know someone you want to nominate for this prestigious award? You can also nominate yourself. Submit your nomination package with the following information no later than 31 October 2017:
1. The inductee’s information including:
- Name
- Region/location
- Number of years of active membership
- Phone
- Email address
- Business address
- Qualifications (CPF or other)
2.Contributions to the IAF
- Specific leadership roles taken, governance positions held, membership on committees, activities undertaken, actions and promotions completed, etc.
- Reflections on the role this person has played in the development and prosperity of IAF and of the profession of facilitation.
- Documentation that provides evidence of contribution to the ‘field of facilitation’.
- Activities that provided training/support/mentoring/coaching to peers (individually or in groups).
- Scholarly activities that contributed to the body of knowledge in our profession
- Publication of facilitation related works
- Participation in professional development (conferences, courses, workshops, etc.)
3. Documentation that provides evidence of consistent excellence in the field
4. Letters of support from two peers
Nominations will be coordinated by Vice Chair Trevor Durnford and given to the Board for consideration. Significant Board majority support will be required for each inductee. A maximum of 10 members will be inducted each year into the Hall of Fame. Inductees will be announced on 15 January 2018.
For more information about the Hall of Fame or the nomination process, please contact Trevor Durnford: vice-chair@iaf-world.org.