IAF Asia Conference
Less than one month to go until the IAF Asia Conference starts in Taiwan. Register by 15 August to get the best rate!
A sneak preview
There are 45 presenters with 41 workshop and more than 200 participants will attend 2016 IAF Asia Conference. Can't wait to meet you!
P203: Joining the bits and pieces: A holistic framework for facilitation.
How have you learned facilitation? For many of us it has been in bits and pieces: courses and workshops here and there; professional development sessions; reading; discussions with colleagues; on-line research and more. Are you “missing bits” that will help you become a better facilitator?
This pre-conference workshop provides an opportunity for you to examine different parts of facilitation and integrate these bits and pieces into a dynamics, holistic framework. We will explore how the parts systemically relate to the whole and what this means for you as a facilitator, your client groups and for achieving productive outcomes.
D5: Moving from IQ & EQ to TQ – The New Paradigm in Facilitating High Performance Teams
IQ & EQ are well-accepted buzzwords, focusing the individual. However equally important to organizations is the team, which often takes a back seat. No longer. In his groundbreaking work, CPF Douglas Gerber has devised “TQ”, or “Team Quotient”, which measures the ability to work effectively in and as a team. TQ gauges the extent to which the team engenders trust, culture, alignment, collaboration, diversity, direction, values, effectiveness, camaraderie etc. In this interactive session, we will explore Team Quotient, its component parts, and how to apply it in working with teams.
A2: Hybrid Online Facilitation - Technologies Accelerate Global Collaboration
Thanks to technological advancement, we now have wide selections of video conferencing systems with low cost and easy to use, along with high-speed reliable network connections. This new development opened up new opportunities and challenges for global facilitators. We can make use of these technologies to enhance collaborations across borders. But at the same time we have to learn and improve virtual facilitation skills.
In this highly interactive session we will hear stories from experienced online facilitation practitioners and explore opportunities for using this new infrastructure and technologies to accelerate global collaboration. We will also talk about some of the challenges that we will be facing under new environment.