IAF Board Elections 2017 – Election Results
The IAF Nominating Committee would like to announce the results of the election and the new IAF board members. The candidates officially voted in are:
Secretary: Keith Ryall
Director of Communications: Mia Liljeberg
Director of Conferences and Events: Héctor Alejandro Villarreal Lozoya
Director of Marketing and Partnerships: Jeffer London
Regional Director for Europe & Middle East: Mirjami Sipponen-Damonte
Regional Director for Canada: Rosanna von Sacken
Regional Director for Asia: Vinay Kumar
Regional Director for Latin America and Caribbean: Gillian Chambers
284 IAF members voted as follows:
Support |
Oppose |
Keith Ryall |
265 |
1 |
Mia Liljeberg |
261 |
2 |
Héctor Alejandro Villarreal Lozoya |
263 |
3 |
Jeffer London |
259 |
4 |
Mirjami Sipponen-Damonte |
73 |
1 |
Rosanna von Sacken |
43 |
Vinay Kumar |
75 |
2 |
Gillian Chamber |
9 |
We would like to thank the board, IAF members who nominated others, and of course all the candidates themselves who have contributed so much to make IAF the vital and important organization that it is in the world today.
The Nominating Committee
Bill Staples, IAF Hall of Fame, Chair of the Committee
Ronit Andorn-Broza, Canada
Giuseppe Totino, EMENA
Michelle Rush, Oceania
Jonathan Bell, United States