
The IAF Core Competencies

Published Wednesday, 1 January 2003
English, French and Spanish

IAF Core Competencies framework was developed over several years by the IAF with the support of its members and facilitators from all over the world. The competencies form the basic set of skills, knowledge, and behaviours that facilitators must have in order to be successful facilitating in a wide variety of environments.

As a resource, the framework consists of six areas that guide excellence in facilitation. These include:

  • Creating Collaborative Client Relationships
  • Planning Appropriate Group Processes
  • Creating and Sustaining a Participatory Environment
  • Guiding the Group to Appropriate and Useful Outcomes
  • Building and Maintaining Professional Knowledge
  • Modelling Positive Professional Attitude

IAF Core Competencies also form the basis for assessment of the IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator (CPF) designation.