IAF EME Conference 2023 | Berlin - Call for Proposals

17 June 2023

We are delighted to announce that the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) Europe and the Middle East (EME) will be hosting a conference in Berlin during October 16-18, 2023. The theme of the conference is «Entering brave(r) spaces – facilitating beyond beaten tracks.» The IAF Conference in Berlin will be an opportunity for us facilitators to share ideas, learn, and expand our knowledge, to network and collaborate.

We are inviting to enter brave(r) spaces: spaces where we can challenge our preconceptions (conscious and/or unconscious stereotypes and biases) we hold about the world, acknowledging inequalities and asymmetries of power - in groups and among people generally -  and exploring what it means for us. Neither have we invented the concept of brave(r) spaces, nor are we experts or have ultimate answers to the questions arising. But we choose to refer to the concept of brave spaces to offer a broad framework which serves our felt need to address dynamics of privileges and disempowerment in groups and the implications for our practice.

Please find

 further details on how you can contribute to shape an enriching programme for the  IAF community. We look forward to welcoming you at the IAF Conference 2023 in Berlin! 

If you would like to submit a workshop, please fill in the form

and send it over to Barbara Zuber at bzub55@gmail.com

Your proposal must be e-mailed as an MS Word or PDF document.

To avoid the issue of large files, please keep files to less than 1MB in size.

Please submit by July 30 & we will get back to you by the end of August.
