IAF Facilitator Certification: More relevant than ever!
The IAF makes peer assessment and a professional credential available to its members in support of the association’s mission to grow the community of practice for all those who facilitate, establish internationally accepted professional standards, build credibility, and promote the value of facilitation around the world. In the nearly 20 years since the IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator (CPF) designation was first developed we have been guided by the wisdom of some of the founders, the association's Statement of Values and Code of Ethics, and the practices of our assessor community. Last year we decided to distill this thinking down in to a document that would act as a link between our Values and Ethics and our procedures and practices: a philosophy that can be a touchstone for why, and how we conduct our current, and any future, certifications and endorsements. Read more: https://www.iaf-world.org/site/professional/philosophy
Why you should be an IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator
The IAF’s CPF designation is a highly valued credential and the best option for facilitators seeking professional accreditation in the global marketplace.
CPF designation benefits both facilitators and their clients. Facilitators achieve a formal certification and undertake valuable self-reflection and learning. It also assures a client that the facilitator meets internationally recognised standards.
Learn more about the benefits of certification
The CPF assessment process
To achieve the CPF designation, a facilitator needs to document their experience and must demonstrate both knowledge of, and skills in applying, the IAF’s Facilitator Core Competencies. The certificate has to be renewed every three years.
Learn more about the CPF assessment process
Fees and schedule
From January 2017, CPF assessments will cost $2350 USD. This increase, which was announced in March 2016, is the first since 2008 and only the second in the history of the programme. It reflects the rising expenses of administration, venues, and travel. With the new price, the certification programme can again be self-supporting and run on a cost-recovery basis.
In 2017, thirteen assessment events are scheduled for those interested in obtaining their CPF credential. Remember, to participate in the assessment day of your choice, you will need to apply several months in advance.