Over past half a century, Korea has developed from war-torn country to a member of OECD. During rapid economic growth, conflicts were relatively neglected. Neglected conflicts include those across the generations, over political views, labour disputes, and other societal issues. Members of KFG believe in the power of facilitation and it can help these conflicts. KFG wants to foster facilitation in Korea, which was unfamiliar to many Koreans. So we train facilitators and run workshops successfully. In addition, as proof of the power and effectiveness of facilitation and to provide us credibility for suggesting facilitation in Korea, KFG has applied facilitation in its business. Successful operation of KFG is evidence which will allow us to continue to foster facilitation in Korea. So far it has been a success.
Key Results Achieved
Key results achieved include:
- Growth in reserve and net profit. No debt.
- Around 750 workshops and trainings over 3 years.
- Adopting facilitation in various fields and issues, product design, conflict resolution (within an organization, between groups and more), organizational development, incentive system, promotion system, rural community design, urban restoration and more.
- Unique culture including all accounting information opened to all members, corporate card for all members, no approvals in use of corporate cards, pay system developed and determined by members, work hours and location, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and more.
Sponsor: Giewook Koo
CEO KOO Facilitation Group
Facilitator: Giewook Koo, Seojin Nam, Younsu Park, Taehwan Park, Suhye Jung, Junghun Kim, Eunkyung Kee, Eunah Park, Joosung Kim, Song-Yeon Kim
KOO Facilitation Group