Global Flipchart #14
January 2019 |
Global Flipchart #14

The IAF Global Flipchart is the International Association of Facilitators’ quarterly members publication with tips, tricks and resources for your individual facilitation practice and ideas to help you build your facilitation business and impact.
In this issue, we explore Facilitation as a Career. How do you develop your business as a facilitator? How do facilitators find the right clients - how do clients find the right facilitator? What are the best steps for professional development? What additional skills might you need? What does certification bring?
Anja Ebers explores how facilitators can excel at the dreaded elevator pitch and kickstart a meaningful conversation about participation: Yes, and! How to pitch facilitation
Zena-Gabrielle Hailu asks IAF members and facilitators around the world: How’s your career going?
John Butcher shares career tips from his first decades as a professional facilitator: Facilitation as a career: Some suggestions
Van Lai-DuMone interviews Tam Nguyen about her experience in scaling up her practice: Scaling your practice: Advice from the other side
Jennifer Otitigbe and Robert Cserti have an update about the IAF Methods Library - What’s new?
And finally, we have information about upcoming conferences and events at the IAF.
Join in!
This Global Flipchart is only the start of a conversation. There are many stories waiting to be shared. Let's continue the conversation in the IAF social media forums.
Interested in contributing to the IAF Global Flipchart? The editorial team is looking for regular contributors – get in touch at
With best regards,
Wiebke Herding, Editor of the IAF Global Flipchart
and the entire Editorial Team of the IAF Global Flipchart