Edmonton City Centre (ECC) is at the heart of a revitalizing downtown. The impact on ECC is significant, and the success of ECC’s goals in this context rests, in part, on the articulation of a powerful organizational story. The audience includes customers, tenants, the City of Edmonton, and the community. The ‘players’, the ones who bring the story to life, are the ECC employees and partners.
To articulate the ECC story, and activate the team, a multisession facilitation that involved all ECC staff and some key partners was completed. The core theme of the resulting story is “connectedness” and the adoption of a “connected mindset”, is the driver behind some exceptional measureable successes.
Key Results Achieved
Key results achieved include:
Increase in employee engagement scores from 72%-92% in one year.
212 customer service appreciation pins given to 57 employees, exceeding expectations of the recognition program.
Successful merging of organizational cultures between 2 asset classes.
Completion of impactful partnership projects (ex. the unprecedented establishment of an on-site police substation and setting new City standards for requesting special duty officers).
A leadership role for ECC in the City as “an ambassador of safety and industry”.
Investment in community healing events, creating a community advisory committee, active community engagement, and cultural sensitivity training for all staff.
Sponsor: Olympia Trencevski and Lindsay Whyte
General Manager
Facilitator: Tamara Eberle CPF and Shawna Eberle
Traction Strategy