Many organisations have spent small fortunes to set up risk processes and supporting tools which then fail to deliver the expected value. This is because rational processes don't work well when trying to get groups of people to agree what is risky, why and what to do about it.
If you need to make sound decisions in important but risky situations; work with groups to identify, prioritise and respond to risks, deliver value and, along the way, ensure the credibility of the process and the resilience of your organisation, A Short Guide to Facilitating Risk Management is for you.
It sets out a very practical approach to how the risk management process can deliver value through effective facilitation. It brings together Ruth Murray-Webster's expertise in the human aspects of risk and risk attitude and Penny Pullan's wide experience of the facilitation of project workshops to cover five main areas:
avoiding pitfalls;
an understanding of risk management;
understanding your role;
tried and tested tips for each step of the risk management process; running risk workshops.
This book is illustrated with practical examples from the authors' experience and their findings from interviews and surveys to help you get the best from your groups when they're working together, both face-to-face and virtually.