Treasurer’s report for the year ended 31 December 2018
(All financial numbers are in US dollars)
The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) is solvent with net assets of $148,417.
After adjustments for membership dues paid in advance and conference registration fees collected on behalf of regional conference teams, total income for the year was $521,597. Expenses for the year were $505,348, resulting in a surplus of $16,249.
Several factors contributed to this pleasing result:
- growth in membership
- continued success of the IAF CertifiedTM Professional Facilitator programme
- introduction of a new model for sharing risk and any surpluses from conferences
- sound financial management of conferences held during the year.
Around half of our funds come from membership dues. There were 537 new members during the year, and it was pleasing to see our membership renewal rate increased from 52% in 2017 to 62% in 2018.
Our year end membership increased by 100, from 1,655 in 2017 to 1,755 in 2018. We are delighted to see that our membership growth trend is continuing in 2019.
IAF CertifiedTM Professional Facilitator programme
The IAF CertifiedTM professional Facilitator programme is a flagship component of the IAF. Eight assessment events were held during the year and 61 members were certified as professional facilitators.
Certification fees are set on a cost-recovery basis and the programme returned a small surplus of $1,018 in 2018. Most of the income received was for certification fees (83%) with the balance being recertification fees (17%).
Regional conferences
In 2018 the Board introduced a new model for sharing risk and any surpluses from regional conferences with local organising teams.
Thanks to the efforts of many volunteers, 3 regional conferences–IAFNAC Ottawa, IAF Asia Osaka and IAF Africa Mombasa–were held during the year using the new model. Some 400 people participated in regional conferences which delivered more than 60 workshops and training sessions on facilitation.
The sound financial management of these events resulted in all conferences breaking even or returning a surplus. IAF global received $35,758 as its share of the surplus which represents 7% of the income we received during the year.
IAF Bursary Fund
In 2018 our then Treasurer, Tony Nash established an IAF Bursary Fund to provide people with a mechanism to make donations to fund activities that support and promote the use of facilitation worldwide.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Rosanna von Sacken, Regional Director for Canada for donating the Canada region’s share of the Ottawa conference surplus to the IAF Bursary fund.
A key priority for 2019 is to design and implement a process for allocating bursary funds to activities that support and promote the use of facilitation worldwide.
Chapter development funding
To provide financial support to new and developing chapters the Board set aside $15,000 to fund chapter development activities in 2018. Each chapter that existed at the end of 2017 was entitled to claim up to a fixed amount of $500 to fund chapter development activities. Chapters claimed a total of $16,137 during the year.
Source and use of funds
An overview of the source and use of Association funds is shown in the following chart.

Respectfully submitted
Julia Donohue
5 November 2019