Treasurer's report 2017
By Tony Nash, IAF Treasurer, CPF
Treasurer’s report for the year ended 31 December 2017.
The International Association of Facilitators (IAF) is solvent with cash and reserves in excess of US$150,000.00.
Financially, 2017 was another challenging year for the IAF. Total income before expenses for the year was US$533,925.49. Expenses after adjustments were $535,727.05, resulting in a small net deficit of $1,801.56.
Several factors contributed to this result:
- Overall retention of IAF members
- Net loss from 2017 IAF conferences
- Credit card and bank charges / fees
- Substantial budget cost-cutting in anticipation of the annual face-to-face meeting.
Many of these factors are being dealt with by the Board for 2018.
Membership dues
Revenue from member dues was less than budgeted. Although we gain new members constantly, we also lose many. To encourage the future growth and sustainability of our membership, the Board has articulated its value proposition and continues to provide new opportunities and services adding value to what it means to be an IAF member. For 2018, the Board is committed to a programme of Ambassadorship to enable chapters and members to promote both facilitation, and the IAF.
At year end, the IAF had 1,648 members. Income from membership dues was $251,805. Actual revenues were in excess of this figure but to more accurately reflect income the Board accrued income from 2 and 3 year memberships into future years income.
Certified Professional Facilitator Programme
The IAF Certified Professional Facilitator programme is a flagship component of the IAF. For 2017, to ensure the IAF did not subsidise the CPF programme, individual assessment fees were increased to $2,350. The programme enjoyed considerable success during 2017, not only breaking even, but producing a surplus which contributed to the ongoing operations of the IAF.
Regional conferences
Several regional IAF conferences were held during 2017. Reflecting the new model for IAF conferences, the conference in Paris was held in partnership with a local member and enjoyed a small profit for the IAF. In addition, the Seoul conference which was totally self-funded enjoyed considerable success, sharing surpluses with both IAF Global and Asia Region. Conversely, IAF-NAC Florida incurred an unexpectedly large deficit which required IAF Global to step in to cover the losses. As the IAF transitions to the new financial model for conferences - including partnership and licensing arrangements - it is anticipated that any future financial liabilities will be severely limited.
Chapter development funding
For the first year under the remodelled Chapter Development Funding Protocol, the Board set aside $15,000.00 in support of chapter development. Under this new arrangement, at the beginning of each year the Board sets aside a specific amount that, when divided by the number of fully constituted chapters as at the end of the previous year, provides a fixed sum available to all chapters regardless of size or number of members. The fixed sum for 2017 was $500. The amount claimed by chapters during 2017 totalled $11,000.00
Credit card and bank and fees
2017 was a year when the IAF spent in excess of $33,000 on various credit card, bank charges and fees. The Board continues to review options to bring these expenses in line and take steps to ensure they are reasonable moving forward.
The Board has approved a balanced budget for 2018. Working closely in year three of our relationship with Managing Matters Inc. the Board will make every effort to limit losses and successfully work within the 2018 budget.
Respectfully submitted,
Tony Nash
IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator
IAF Treasurer