What facilitators can do in disaster situations? (English)
Registration: Online
New York, USARegistration: Online
In this webinar we will invite the participating colleagues to reflect together on different ways in which we can support communities that face situations of disasters or other crises, applying our knowledge and experience as professional facilitators. In addition, we will present the principles of the Model of psychosocial intervention in crises and disasters of the Global Facilitators Serving Communities - GFSC network. This Model, called Crisis - Change - Choice, has been successfully applied in many countries around the world, allowing to strengthen the resilience and autonomy of various types of communities, in response to different types of crises and disasters.
Timothy Karpoff
Founding member and current Secretary/Treasurer of GFSC. Tim has over 35 years experience in community and organizational development, meeting facilitation, strategic planning, and multi-party collaboration. After receiving a B.A in History from Yale University, he worked for 16 years as a regional director and vice president of the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA) in the United States, the Philippines and Malaysia, organizing community-based integrated development programs, and providing strategic planning consulting for national and multinational organizations. Based in Albuquerque, NM since 1992, he helps community groups, businesses and government organizations explore complex issues and plan effectively through well-designed workshops and conversations. Tim’s strengths include working collaboratively and appropriately with people from a wide variety of cultural and educational backgrounds, and the ability to summarize and integrate ideas from very different perspectives.
Mark Pixley.
Current GFSC Vice-President. Mark is principal of LEADERSHIP INC, a leading provider of facilitation services to the corporate and NGO community in China and Asia. He is an experienced facilitator and organizational change consultant. He works with senior managers to design and facilitated their change process including strategic planning, corporate vision/mission and executive team building. He is an American based in Shenzhen, China. He recently received the IAF Facilitation Impact Award for strategic planning work with Salesian College, Darjeeling, India. He is an IAF recognized CPF and a previous board member.