Apply to join at the special circumstances rate We understand there are times when it can be hard to pay membership fees. For the country you selected, our normal membership is US$100. To apply for the special rate of US$50, complete this form. The special rate is only for one year if your application is approved. You will need to renew your membership at the normal rate next year. We are celebrating our 30th Anniversary this year. If you are 30 or younger, you can join for one year for US$30. First Name * Last Name * Email * City * Country * Region * - Seleccionar -AfricaAsiaEurope & Middle EastLatin America & CaribbeanOceaniaNorth AmericaSpecial Interest Groups Your application will be reviewed by the regional director of the region you select here. Phone number * Our regional director may need to speak with you about your application. Please provide a phone number and include the country code. 1. Briefly describe your work as a group facilitator. If you are not yet working as a facilitator, tell us a little about your professional life. (150 words max) * 2. Why are you interested in joining IAF? (150 words max) * 3. Which option best describes your reason for applying? Select one. * Illness Disability Temporary leave of absence Job loss Family crisis Full time student Other (please explain) 3. Which option best describes your reason for applying? Select one. Other (please explain) 4. What IAF activities might you be interested in helping to support? You can select more than one. * Organising local events Chapter formation Chapter development Regional conference organisation Member services Writing or editing IAF publications Website care and feeding Virtual activities (webinars, discussion groups, meetings, etc.) Facilitation Impact Awards committee International Facilitation Week organizing and promotion Social media initiatives Other (please specify) 4. What IAF activities might you be interested in helping to support? You can select more than one. Other (please specify) 5. Is there anything else we should consider when we review your application? (150 words max) Your submission will be stored on IAF servers for the purpose of reviewing your application, accessible for the IAF office, IAF board and IT personnel. Click here to learn more about our privacy policy. CAPTCHAEsta pregunta es para comprobar si usted es un visitante humano y prevenir envíos de spam automatizado.