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The Syrian chapter of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) was established in 2017. Our objective is to promote a network and community of practice of facilitators, and to raise the quality standards of group facilitation in our country. The chapter is the natural follow up of a network of facilitators which was founded in 2010 in Syria with more than 75 facilitators from all around the country. The Syrian chapter promotes the growth of the Syrian facilitators community and linking the Syrian facilitators to the worldwide community of facilitators and other IAF members. Among other activities, the chapter convene regular, free face-to-face facilitation meetups for IAF-Syria facilitators and friends, as well capacity building and exchange experiences in between the facilitators. We also plan to schedule a full introduction day of the IAF-Syria, CPF assessments and facilitation awareness sessions. We work to schedule a CPF assessment event in the region each year, next time end of 2018. Everyone with an interest in group process facilitation is welcome, including facilitators and others who use or commission facilitation, IAF members and non-members alike. Please join us.

- Promote the value of facilitation in to society and its institutions
- Share resources and exchanging knowledge
- Diversity, we are working to respect the differences that exist in our societies
- Diverse learning and joint achievement, respecting the freedoms of others is one of the most important success factors of the facilitator,
- Part of all, the facilitator relies on cooperation with all others working in the field
The IAF Syrian community is growing. If you wish to join IAF SYRIA you can register on this website. To see what we are doing and to be involved in our activities please follow us on Facebook. For any information please contact the chapter coordinator Ghada Rifai