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Welcome to the IAF Ukraine Chapter!
The Ukrainian branch of the International Association of Facilitators now has 7 active members, which from 2014 dynamically promote the value of facilitation in Ukrainian society among business, NGO sector, government agencies and various grassroots communities. Nowadays, especially after the Maydan period, facilitation not only became extremely popular in Ukraine, but also incredibly important as an instrument for building dialogue and communication between different conflict groups in particular. IAF in Ukraine seeks to become a platform for Ukrainian facilitators to be able to get information on the best international case studies and experience. This in turn will involve the translation of some key articles, materials, news for distribution in Ukraine. The development of the network itself, as well as the collection of Ukrainian practices and experiences that can be valuable to the international community and will support facilitation field development through implementation of professional standards.
Officially, the Ukrainian chapter of the International Association of Facilitators (IAF) was founded on November 21, 2014. However, in fact, the instrument of facilitation itself has been used among the NGO sector since mid 1990s, and after the events in Ukraine in 2014, facilitation has become widely used not only in the NGO sector, but also in business, public and social sectors, especially in the context of reforms. The IAF in Ukraine has resumed its active work and currently dynamically promotes the values of facilitation in Ukrainian society among businesses, the NGO sector, government structures and various grassroots communities.
To learn more about our activities – please, check our Facebook Page -