- Azerbaijan
- Belgium
- Central & Eastern Europe
- Denmark
- England-Wales
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Iran
- Ireland
- Italy
- Jordan
- Netherlands
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Russia
- Saudi Arabia
- Scotland
- Slovenia
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Turkey
- Ukraine
Central & Eastern European Countries Chapter
CEE Chapter was founded in May, 2020 with the active participation of Serbia, Hungary and Greece. As the name shows the aim to create the Chapter was to make facilitation even stronger in the countries of this region (Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Hungary, Greece, Slovakia) as well as to support individual facilitators/members of IAF to cooperate with each other and to have a closer peer group that could work on facilitation promotion in the local languages.
By now we have more and more members coming from different countries as well (E.g. Russia & Belarus) and we are welcome everyone who shares our core values, which are: openness, professionalism, innovation, diversity, fun. Because 'We CEE our future together".

Our activities
- Working on the communication platform and system
- Working on the joint events
- Team building
- Learning
Working on the communication platform and system
This activity has already started. As the first action members agreed that the main tools for the communication will be emails and Google Drive for storing documents and activities (meeting minutes, voting and survey results, reference material, etc.).
For urgent matter members agreed to for a WhatsApp group (due to the small number of members at this moment)
It is also agreed to use Zoom platform for online meetings, which will be organised fortnightly for the first period of time, in order to establish close cooperation and create initial activities for members and non/members
Working on the joint events
It is agreed to cooperate on organising joint events in the region in order to promote facilitation and build up the community (members and non-members).
The first activity to cooperate on is Balkan Festival of Facilitation which will have online part at the end of May/beginning of June, and live part at the end of September 2020.
It has been agreed to organise some joint activities for the Facilitation week 2020, but the details will be further discussed.
Cooperation will be developed with other chapters too / namely we will look into possibilities to organise E-conference with the Istanbul event team (event that was planned for the beginning of June 2020), as well as some online activities with the Romanian facilitators (emerging chapter)
Team building and Learning
More detailed activities will be discussed in the following period. In a meanwhile, intensive sharing of information is happening about online trainings and webinar opportunities during Corona time.

Our events
- Online Facilitation Summer Festival
- Balkan Facilitation Festival
- Facilitation Week

Our members
President: Katalin Faix
Vice president: Tamara Zivadinovic
Treasurer: Elpiniki Stylogianni