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If you want to know more about activities, visit our MeetUp:
You can also write to the current chapter link Jan Lelie, CPF | M to become informed about our chapter's activities. Of-course, you can also ask me anything.
Jan Lelie CPF M
Chapter Chair
We will start again this year with "on site" meetings. The first is devoted to facilitating citizen assemblies. At these interactive meetings we investigate in which ways we consult with "farmers, citizens and country men" ;-) better support.
We will hold the meeting in Utrecht, we will start with a joint meal at 18.00 (reception from 17.30) and the session will start at 19.00. Up to 20 participants. Subscriptins until May 1st. In case of no show, I'll still have to charge you.
This is what Jouwert has in mind:
"Citizens' assemblies are hot & happening in the Netherlands. 28 municipalities, various provinces and also the central government are preparing or implementing this "innovative" form of democracy.
What are the golden rules for a successful citizens' council, and what is the role of a faciltator in the design and implementation? Jouwert van Geene, who works as an independent consultant with Bureau Burgerberaad, shares his experiences and asks for your advice at a citizens' assembly that is currently being prepared."
Voorlopig programma
- Check in
- Jouwert: concept Burgerberaad
- Subgroepen: Raad bij faciliteren van burgerberaad
- Plenair: Aanraders en afraders
- Check out